Lobster Moon Tarot

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Card no. 0 - The Fool

Cards from the classic Rider Waite Smith and The After Tarot.

This seems like a good card to start this blog off with as it is both the first card in a tarot deck, but also my first blog post on my brand new website. I have started my own Fool’s journey and there is no turning back now. My beloved bulldog side-kick is yapping with encouragement by my side and here we go, venturing into the unknown with nothing but hopes and dreams…

The Fool is a card of spontaneity, encouragement, naivety, curiosity, new beginnings, fresh starts, travels, adventure, risks & opportunities and doing what scares you without fear in your heart. In my opinion The Fool is kind of an “all or nothing” kind of Pippi Longstocking character of the tarot and in this sense also relatively innocent, childish and foolish. The Fool knows not what they are doing, but cannot stop themselves from doing it anyway, because it just feels right and the idea makes them excited! The Fool’s attitude will get you started and encourage you to take that leap of faith that you dream of.

In the traditional Rider Waite Smith deck that most modern decks are based on today, the Fool is displayed as a joker kind of person, young and naive carrying nothing but his little sack and in company of a happy little dog. He is about to walk off a cliff but he is happy, fearless and optimistic. What could possibly go wrong?

Other old decks display him as more of a scruffy vagabond type and the dog biting his arse to stop him from... Well from doing foolish things, like walking off a cliff! The Fool can be quite reckless, mindless and selfish. 

Cards from Moon Power tarot and Black Tarot. Read more HERE.

Because there is, ofcourse, a “shadow side” to this card too. I personally do not work with reversals, but I always consider the shadow side of any card in relation to the question or topic of the reading. The shadow side of the Fool has a lot of the same or similar keywords as the “bright side” but without the rose colored glasses on. Like naivety and risk taking. These things are not always cute, brave or positive, in some situations they can be downright dangerous and hopelessly stupid. Also the Fool can be a “hopeless romantic”, always on the search for the next fix of excitement and the freshest new thing, this is not necessarily the card you want to see in a relationship reading is it? 

The dog. 

I’m a big lover of dogs. It is hard to find another animal companion that is more loyal and devoted to their humans than dogs. Man's best friend for sure. Some of my best childhood memories involve the dogs I grew up with. Dogs are always ready for adventure and fun. They live in the moment and their love and devotion comes from a pure heart. I cannot imagine my life without a doggie companion.  

As a symbolic creature, a dog oftens represents a life-changing situation, a trusted friend, unconditional love and support as well as being truthful to yourself. 

I read somewhere that the white dog on the original Rider Waite Smith Fool card is actually the illustrator Pamela Coleman Smith’s own best friend.  I love that.

Cards from The Wise Dog tarot and The Dog Tarot.

Number Zero

That number 0 is an interesting number as it sits right between the positive and the negative numbers. You could say that The Fool is born as an empty vessel just waiting to be filled with experiences, teachings and skills. Or that The Fool symbolizes a launch pad or a ground zero for something new and untried. Hurray for first time experiences!

Living the Fool card

I have been The Fool many times, especially in my youth. I once at age 19 flew to Portugal with less than 50 bucks in my pocket and a return ticket booked for one month later, paid for by my late dad (another hopeless romantic Fool). Cause I was the definition of a hopeless romantic Fool that left home to meet up with an American guy I had met on a trip to Amsterdam one year earlier, but never even kissed. I just had the feeling that everything would be just fine, we would fall in love and for finances I could surely just find a job in a bar or something. I did not worry one bit or had the risks or dangers of this kind of trip in mind, I just took a leap of faith and jumped.

Long story short the guy never showed up, but I quickly found a fun job in a bar and ended up staying for more than two months, having the time of my life. I met some really cool people, some of whom I’m still in touch with today, 20+ years later. Nobody but a true Fool would have left home for an adventure like that without any fear, worry or money! But I am happy that I did. Over and over again.

No regrets!

Practise the tarot - Find “The Fool Spread” HERE