Lobster Moon Blog

About the blog…


This blog is all about tarot, cartomancy, divination, magick, spirituality, creativity, intuition, shadow work, the Moon and other mystical topics...

Posts by Lobster Moon Tarot, tarot friends, cartomancers, spiritual creatives, intuitive entrepreneurs, healers, thinkers and other wonderful weirdos…

Mariia Mariia

Seeing vs. Knowing: Why I’m Not a Clairvoyant

Have you ever tried to fit into a role that just didn’t feel right? For the longest time, I believed I had to be clairvoyant to fully embrace my spiritual path. I poured my energy, time, and hard-earned money into developing abilities that never quite clicked, hoping for clarity but finding only doubt.

By resident blogger:

Mariia - Lobster Moon

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Tarot, Truth & The Cosmic Joke

Jody Barton, creator of The Rotten Tarot, opens up about his creative journey behind this bold, weird, and wonderfully quirky indie deck—in what he cheekily calls “Jody awkwardly interviews himself.”

By guest blogger:

Jody Barton

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The Horoscope of the Magician

What do the boldest public people of magic, John Dee, William Butler Yeats, Aleister Crowley and Doreen Valiente, have in common? I have selected a group of men and one woman, who dared to be different and embrace the occult, magical and supernatural as part of their public persona. I have looked at their birth charts for similarities, which is of course interesting from a biographical perspective, but perhaps even more so for what it illuminates about magical consciousness in general.

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Caritas Fischer

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Unravelling Demons: Unblocking My Fears Of The Hierophant

I was filled with curiosity as I shuffled and moved the cards around my desk. I gathered my favourites, my in-betweens and then there was one. It was a card that would often appear in my readings and as soon as I set my eyes on it my mind would draw a blank. I would almost feel a sense of dread in my chest. The card in question is The Hierophant.

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Katie Doherty

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How to stay lit as I emerge from a cavern of fear

An adventure through dissolution...

There are these stages to life, right, which reflect the cycles of many things that we can observe arising and dissolving. The seasons; the heightened energy when the sun is up and we feel fiery warmth and joy, to the dropping of leaves and the rising darkness as we dive into a thoughtful restorative winter. Our awareness; momentary, split second noticing of a sound or a sight that in as quick a moment has gone.

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Miz DeShannon

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Luminous Shadows: Embracing the Eclipse’s Dual Nature

What's currently occupying my thoughts? Frankly, it's the eclipse, aligning intriguingly with Mercury in retrograde. Certain cosmic events are notably impactful, resonating deeply within us and influencing our external circumstances. My friends have been quite vocal about the astral tumult this period appears to usher in.

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Laetitia Barbier

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Tarot – The Art of Transforming The World

Why do we read the Tarot? Where are we going when we are in that space? And perhaps most importantly… what… are we looking for?

These sorts of deep questions are something that have driven my interest in Tarot since my first ever encounter with the cards some 20+ years ago.

These are also the exact same questions I ask of two other topics that I am equally and profoundly interested in as well… the field of Psychedelics and of Virtual Reality.

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Adam J. Malone

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Mariia Mariia

The Magick of Talismans

In a fascinating twist, those dedicated bingo players, unbeknownst to them, were practitioners of a unique form of witchcraft, subtly infusing magick into their games. The aura of the bingo hall transformed into a sacred space where the exchange of energies and the power of intention wove a spellbinding tapestry, amplifying the stakes of the game.

By resident blogger:

Mariia - Lobster Moon

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Mariia Mariia

Magical Spellwork & Responsible Practice

Enter the enchanting realm of spellwork, promising solutions, love, and growth. In my opinion spellcasting should be anchored in morals, ethics, beliefs, and responsibility. Approached with sincerity, shaping spells with the desire for goodness and love. The principle of "What comes around - goes around" is REAL.

By resident blogger:

Mariia - Lobster Moon

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Mariia Mariia

Your 3 Birth Tarot Cards


How-to-guide to calculate your own cards.

“What are birth tarot cards? The personal birth cards are basically major arcana tarot cards that describes your personality, your soul path AND your life’s teachings.The cards are determined by basic astrology (your birthday), numerology and tarot…”

By resident blogger:

Mariia - Lobster Moon

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Love Witch Alchemy

Unleashing the Magician Mindset for self-empowerment in beyond sex and romance work.

My curiosity for sex magic began a few years ago, when I`ve decided to allow Satan, my current Patron, to enter my heart and my life. At the time, I was in desperate need of a solid masculine energy that could teach me how to repair myself from the broken relationship I had with my dad.

By guest blogger:

Elizabeth Cieslowska

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The Religion of Thelema?

“Do what thou will shall the be the whole of the Law.”

In his quest to demystify the enigmatic "uncle Al," Marco Visconti, the author behind "The Aleister Crowley Manual" and a Thelema aficionado, boldly tackles the age-old question: Was Thelema a religion, or was it just Crowley's wild occult experiment?

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Marco Visconti

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Mariia Mariia

Tarot: Acient Magick for Today’s Binge Watcher

In this blog post, I'll be sharing my research on the intriguing confluence of digital magick, online witchcraft, and the captivating world of Social Media spellwork. Through my perspective, we'll explore how age-old practices seamlessly merge with modern technology, offering new opportunities for those seeking to blend magick, spirituality, and the occult in the digital era.

By resident blogger:

Lobster Moon Tarot // Mariia

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Mariia Mariia

The Celtic Cross

The ultimate classic tarot spread.

This is such a feared spread for the beginner. It was for me too. But let me tell you, that it doesn’t have to be. It’s just a tarot spread that will take a bit longer than your usual 3 card readings. There is absolutly nothing to be scared of. Follow this little guide and just have fun with it.

By resident blogger:

Lobster Moon Tarot

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The Pioneer

“With faith and a hearty dose of audacity, I chose to leave what had so deeply hurt me - and move towards the Light. I committed to a one-way ticket out of there, into a new life and an unknown, but surely brighter future.”

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Hillary Banks Self

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“I have woken up from the matrix to the matrix.” This realisation was sudden once it struck me…

By guest blogger:

Jade Norman

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Mariia Mariia

Speak of the Devil

Oh the good old Devil! The evil ruler of Hell and master of pain and suffering! A fallen angle and a cheerleader for honesty! A personal interpretation of the most feared card of the tarot.

By resident blogger:

Lobster Moon Tarot

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The Sister Wound

“I was 11 years old when the boys in my class each made a top 3 list of which girls they’d most like to kiss. The boys handed their top 3 lists to us girls and then we gathered in a circle and read them out loud…”

By guest blogger:

Nova Francisca Storm

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Mariia Mariia

Reflections from one Lucky Devil…

2022 has been one Hell of a year, in the form of blessings, collaborations, friendships and pure happiness.

Here are some of the highlights…

By resident blogger:

Lobster Moon Tarot

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Mariia Mariia

Candle Magick for Manifestation

Candle magick is one of the simplest and most common kinds of magick at least in the western part of the world. We have all blown out candles on the birthday cake while making a wish as kids. But why not take things a step further? Why not use candle magick all year around to make your wishes come true?

By resident blogger:

Lobster Moon Tarot

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